The GroundTruth Project, Inc. is committed to safeguarding your privacy. This statement explains our online information practices and the choices you can make about the way the information you provide us is collected and used. For easy and direct access, we provide a link to this statement from our home page and all other pages of the site.

The GroundTruth Project, Inc. is the sole owner of and the only organization that uses the personally identifiable information collected on this site. We will not sell, share, or rent this information to others under any circumstances, including third-party fundraising or marketing purposes. This policy also applies to information collected offline.

Staff access to personal information is limited to personnel with authorized user IDs and passwords. The entire site uses SSL encryption for all web pages and financial transactions. SSL Certificates are an integrated part of the platform.

Other than the specific instances outlined in this policy, The GroundTruth Project does not collect personal information about users or how they use the site. Our website may set “cookies” for the purpose of collecting aggregate statistics, such as the total number of visitors to our website. We do not store any personally identifiable information in cookies. If you choose, you can opt out by turning off cookies in your browser.

We use Google Analytics to identify key data points such as top content and traffic sources to help us improve the user experience. Our Google Analytics account does not grant us access to your personally identifiable information. You can opt-out from being tracked by Google Analytics by downloading and installing Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on for your current web browser, by visiting: 

Online Donations
The GroundTruth Project, Inc. collects the following information through our secure online financial-transaction pages: name, address, email address, phone number, and credit card information. This personally identifiable information is used to acknowledge receipt of your donation for tax purposes and to include you on The GroundTruth Project, Inc. mailing lists. 

In the event that donations are made to support partner newsroom campaigns, contact information will be shared with the respective news organization.

When you send a donation in honor or in memory of someone and request that an acknowledgement be sent to another individual or a family, we will use the name and address of that individual or family for acknowledgement purposes only.

Offline Donations
The GroundTruth Project, Inc. is the sole owner of and the only organization that uses the information collected from donors in person, through mail or other correspondence. We will not sell, share, or rent this information to others under any circumstances, including third-party fundraising or marketing purposes.

Mailing List
The GroundTruth Project, Inc., and its initiative Report for America, provide separate online forms to join our mailing lists. The information we collect includes: name and email address. This information is securely stored internally and accessed only when we correspond with our mailing list periodically during the year, either via e-mail or regular mail.

Please contact us directly by email or regular mail if at any time you wish to be removed from the mailing list or if you would like to correct or change the personal information you have previously provided.

Changes to This Policy
In the event that The GroundTruth Project, Inc. decides to alter its privacy policy, the changes will be added directly to this statement. This policy was last updated July 7, 2020.

If you have any questions about our website, please contact or send mail to: The GroundTruth Project, Inc., 10 Guest Street, Boston, MA 02135.